Marifah Answers
Q: Islamically, is abortion of a foetus with a known disabling condition allowed? A: If it is before the entering of the soul, considered to be when part of the physical features of the child are visibly formed with Abu Hanifah, then it is permitted with the agreement...
Relationships between Parents and Children
Q: Asalam Alaykum sheikh. If a child’s biological parents are in prison after committing a serious crime and that child was adopted at the age of 12, is that child, Islamically, obligated to maintain a relationship with those parents? If a child’s adopted parents...
Having a Secular marriage
Q: Is it permissible to have a secular marriage instead of a nikah? If a nikah is still required where can I find evidence that states this? A: Usually, the pillars and conditions of the religious nikah will be met via the secular ceremony. Even though it is "secular"...
Abortion before 120 days
Q: Is abortion (for reasons other than necessity) permitted prior to ensoulment 120 days into pregnancy? A: Prior to ensoulment, it is permitted with the agreement of the husband and wife. Some considered it to be disliked. Many contemporary scholars have said that it...
Food containing alcohol
Q: Is a store-bought fish pie containing white wine halal? Just confused with the cooking of alcohol and its change in texture, colour scent and also the ability to use non-grape wine usage. A: No, it will not be permitted due to the presence of wine which will render...
Statements of fate
Q: Some people use the term 'it was written in the stars', meaning 'it was fate, ordained by God' Is it permissible to use this term? A: It should be okay if used with that intended meaning as it is an allusive statement. However, I would avoid using it as it gives...
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