Marifah Answers
Wiping of socks
Q: Is it a condition of wiping over socks that they remain in their upright position even when not worn? A: It is not a condition according to my understanding of the Hanafi School nor has it been mentioned in any classical texts. There are only two conditions in...
Martial Arts for ladies
Q: If there are ladies only Martial Arts actives are you allowed to remove your headscarf, if it is woman only? However there are non-Muslims in the room? Is it best to remain modest at all times. Is there any rules on this? A: The texts say that a Muslim woman must...
Nisab threshold for Zakat
Q: What is classed as the nisab for zakat? Is there an exact figure excluding jewelry and assets etc? A: 85g of gold on the day or its value in relation to trade items. For silver, it is 595g. Answered by Shaykh Bilal Brown
Obligation of housework for wife
Q: Is it an obligation for the wife to cook and clean in the home or can she delegate the work to a 3rd party? A: It's perfectly fine to delegate or order a takeaway etc. Also, if she comes from a family/background where she does not normally do these things, her...
Covering of nakedness in prayer
Q: What is the ruling for men praying and what they should wear? Are they allowed to pray in like vest and shorts or like what area of the body has to be covered? A: The nakedness of a men is below the navel to the knee, inside and outside of the prayer. However, it...
Representative at a Nikah
Q: If a person does a nikah (marriage) and appoints a representative for the woman due to her not being able to make it in person, can that representative also be one of the two witnesses if there’s nobody else available? A: If she is present at the nikah, then it...
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