Marifah Answers
Can your lifespan be lengthened?
Q: It was narrated from Aishah that the Prophet [ﷺ] said to her: إنه من أُعطِيَ حظَّه من الرِّفقِ فقد أُعطِيَ حظَّه من خيرِ الدنيا والآخرةِ، وصلةُ الرَّحم، وحسنُ الخُلُقِ وحسنُ الجوارِ يٌعمَّرانِ الدِّيارَ ويزيدانِ في الأعمارِ "Certainly whoever has been given a...
Women praying barefooted
Q: I've just been asked by someone, as they read, that it's not acceptable for women to pray that accurate? A: It's the opinion of some legal schools, even some imams of the Hanafi School held the same view. The correct view in the Hanafi School is that...
End time for Asr Salah
Q: What's the last possible time to pray Asr salah? E.g. is it possible to pray 10 mins before Maghrib time or is that forbidden time? You can perform the takbir a second before maghrib begins. It is sinful to delay it until the sun changes colour. Answered by Shaykh...
Toddler/baby with a dirty nappy
Q: What is the ruling of a toddler with a dirty nappy touching/holding on to you in prayer? A: It does not affect the prayer. Answered by Shaykh Bilal Brown
Is it Haram to get a fade haircut?
Q: Is it Haram to get a fade haircut? Is it the same as Qaza’ haircut? It is not Haram to get a fade haircut. Cutting the hair to different lengths is permitted. The Qaza’ haircut is Makruh (disliked), which is to shave most or much of the hair and leave a patch or...
Doing wudu with an injury
Q: If someone has a medical condition/ injury which requires them to tape the bottom of their feet (to limit movement of the tissue in order for it to heal), can they make tayyamum instead of wudu? The reason being that the tape has a very strong adhesive and is...
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