The Book of Assistance
An introduction to spiritual excellence
Arabic and English text covered
Self-rectification and Spiritual development
Free options available
15-week course
every Friday
Classroom Education
Attend classes physically with the teacher.
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Nothing surpasses being in the physical presence of one’s teachers. This is the best method of obtaining the maximum benefit whilst studying and closest to the sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ and his companions (may Allah be pleased with them). We encourage the attendance of classes in person whenever possible.
Online Education
Attend classes online for those who are unable to physically attend.
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In a global world full of challenges, we recognise that it is not always possible to physically attend classes.
Certificates and permission to teach are given after successful examination.
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Our intention for study is only to please Allah, our Creator and Sustainer. We should intend to obtain benefit and to benefit others, to learn and to teach. Our aim is that knowledge is spread throughout our communities by transmission of what we know to others.
Risalatul Mu’awanah (the Book of Assistance) by Imam Al Haddad is a collection of counsels of a person’s (inward) journey to Allah. Revolving around the Qur’an and Sunnah, it deals with topics such as “Niyyah” (Intentions), “Dhikr” (Remembrance) and “Tafakkur” (Contemplation), making it an essential manual for all Muslims to have in our present and troubled times.
About the author:
Imam Abdullah bin Alawi Al-Haddad (d. 1132 AH / 1720 CE)
The lineage of Imam Al Haddad trace back to our beloved prophet (may blessings and peace be upon him, and his family) through Imam al-Husayn, and is considered by many to be the renewer of the 12th Islamic century. He authored a number of books which continue to benefit people generation after generation. His works are clear and concise and thus suitable for our times. Several have been translated into English and other languages. Imam Al-Haddad recognised the signs of his times and of the times to come, and observed how people were drawing away from religion, exhibiting a reluctance to study and a diminishing inclination to seek spiritual growth. He, therefore, endeavoured to produce concise, clear, and uncontroversial texts. His concern for brevity is manifest throughout his books, many of which are abbreviated adaptations of Imam al-Ghazali’s monumental Revival of the Religious Sciences (Ihya ‘Ulum al-Din). Ghazali had himself been the renewer of the sixth century.
Course Structure – How students will be taught:
The book will be divided into four parts and only the first part would be taught in this course. Lessons will be structured to last between 45-60 minutes over a period of about 15-20 sessions. The class is open to both brothers and sisters. The book will be interpreted and explained directly from its original Arabic so that a fuller, and a more complete, understanding of the text can be achieved. Active discussions will be encouraged to help absorb and contextualise the contents, making it easier for its practical application. Prospective students will be expected to make their own (brief) notes on key points of the lesson as emphasis, at this stage, is placed more upon the correct understanding of this science (in a “semi-traditional” setting), rather than on note-taking. There will be no examination on this course.
Topics covered
Chapter 1: On “Yaqeen” (Certainty) and “Imaan” (Faith) – Its meanings, implications and how it’s strengthened.
Chapter 2: On “Niyyah” (Intention) & “Ikhlaas” (Sincerity).
Chapter 3: On “Muraaqabah” (Vigilance) – the station of “Ihsan” (Spiritual Excellence).
Chapter 4: On rectifying the “inner” (self/heart) and the “outer” (action/form).
Chapter 5+: On “the organisation of time” with specific acts of devotion:
- On the “outer form” of Salah (prayer) and its “inward reality”.
- On the etiquettes of reciting the Qur’an.
- On “beneficial knowledge”.
- On “Dhikr” (Remembrance).
- On “Tafakkur” (Contemplation).
Book of Assistance
Fridays @ 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm, starting Feb 19th
Class Schedule
Every Friday 9PM UK-time
Class-length 1hr
Weekly discussions
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does the course cost ?
We realise that the past year has been difficult for everyone and that’s why the fees have been reduced to the bare minimum with a free option as follows:
Weekly payment: £5
One-off payment: £60
Attending classes free of charge with a donation is also an option for those who are struggling, however, there will be no certificates, permission to teach, or extra support given.
Who will be teaching this course ?
Shaykh Azmol Ali will be teaching this course, insha’Allah.
Where will classes be taking place ?
Classes will be online.
Is the course for males and females ?
Yes. There will be strict guidelines in place prohibiting interaction between the genders.
Will the texts be provided ?
Students will be responsible for the purchase of their own books.
Will recordings be available ?
Yes. Recordings will be available for one week before being deleted.
Will there be examinations for this course ?
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