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Marifah Essentials Year One

Covers the three primary fundamentals of Islam; Iman (belief), Islam (practical worship), and Ihsan (spiritual excellence).

Marifah Essentials Year Two

Covers the essentials of human interactions (marriage, divorce, trade etc.), Sirah (prophetic biography), and Ihsan (spiritual excellence).

Principles of Jurisprudence

A weekly course discussing the principles of Islamic Jurisprudence according to the Hanafi School

Creed (Aqidah)

A concise primer discussing Allah and His attributes and the nature of prophethood. It will be studied in depth over a 12-week period coupled with engaging discussions.

Tajwid Made Easy

A 12-week introduction to Quranic pronunciation. Learn how to beautify recitation of the Quran in short simple steps. No prior knowledge is required.

Arabic Language

Private one to one classes are underway, please message us for more details.

Preparation for Ramadan

A one-off course that prepares you for correct worship and spiritual balance in the blessed month.

Advanced Fiqh

Study Muamalat from Kitab al-Quduri. For advanced students only.

Sexual Ethics

Coming soon.

Inheritance and will-making

Coming soon.


Coming soon.

Learn Arabic in Medina

Find out more about an exciting opportunity to learn Arabic in the city of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. Register your interest here.

Marifah Essentials

Learn the basics right from the very start, beginning with belief in Allah and the main articles of faith, acts of worship, and basic Islamic etiquettes based on the texts Light of Clarification, The Beginning of Guidance, and Theological Gems.


Principles of Islamic jurisprudenceAn introduction to Islamic Legal philosophyOverview Loosely translated as principles of Islamic jurisprudence, usul al-fiqh is the legal theory that underpins Islamic positive law and practical ethics. The book Usul ash-Shashi is a...

Book of Assistance

Risalatul Mu’awanah (the Book of Assistance) by Imam Al Haddad is a collection of counsels of a person’s (inward) journey to Allah. Revolving around the Qur’an and Sunnah, it deals with topics such as “Niyyah” (Intentions), “Dhikr” (Remembrance) and “Tafakkur” (Contemplation), making it an essential manual for all Muslims to have in our present and troubled times.

Tajwid Made Easy

Join Hafiz Mohammad Razak in this 12-week introduction to Quranic pronunciation. Learn how to beautify recitation of the Quran in short simple steps. No prior knowledge is required.


This short primer consisting of about 40+ pages deals with the discussion regarding Allah and His attributes and the nature of prophethood. It will be studied in depth over a 12-week period coupled with engaging discussions.


This is a continuation of private classes that are running in the text. Classes will continue from the section of Ijarah until the end of the book. Some comprehension of the Arabic language is required in order to participate even though the discussions and commentaries are in English.


I have learnt so many things which I did not know before and I feel that some parts have come as good guidance in life with problems and situations we face in our lives

Year Two Student

The course has given me the foundations to build upon and become a better Muslim

Year Two Graduate

This course has benefitted myself in many ways, alhamdulillah. Especially as a convert, a lot of things have been muddled up with tradition, so to know the basics has been very beneficial to me and has dramatically changed me as a person

Year Two Graduate

This course has strengthened my imaan and given me more encouragement to strive further in seeking knowledge

Year Two Graduate

This course has been very beneficial, having not done anything structured before, I realised how little I knew. I have learnt that Islam is not as black and white as I previously thought and it has made me more open-minded and less judgemental. I have really enjoyed the Shaykh’s explanations. I now understand how important it is to study with a learned scholar as opposed to just reading books alone

Year Two Graduate

I have found the course life-changing. Islam has become so much easier for me once I knew the true rulings, I can practice my religion with ease

Year Two Graduate

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