Ghusl with Braided hair

Ghusl with Braided hair Q: When making ghusl after intercourse, does a woman need to wash all of her hair, or is it sufficient to just get the scalp /roots wet? Can she braid her long hair and just wash the scalp? A: If the hair is braided, then it is sufficient to...

Nail Polish and Wudu

Nail Polish and Wudu Q: Are we allowed to use water-permeable/breathable nail polish and perform wudu and ghusl over it? The nails need to be washed during wudu and ghusl. Tests show they are not fully permeable, only (maybe) with one coat and excessive nail rubbing...

Making ghusl with plaits or braids

Making ghusl with plaits or braids Q: Does a woman with braided hair or plaits have to undo them before performing ghusl? A: It is not a requirement according to the four schools of law[1][2][3]. The following is mentioned in the Hanafi School: “It is not...