Wiping over socks with holes in them
“The fourth condition for wiping is that each one is free from a hole the size of three of the smallest toes… the smallest holes that will be added together are what a large needle can enter in, anything less than this is not considered.”[1]
“He does not wipe over an extremely wide sock or one that is ripped the amount of a third of the foot.”[2]
“A stitched sock that is not waterproof is not sufficient for wiping over according to the soundest opinion.”[3]
Ibn Hajar comments on this saying:
“When water is poured on his feet i.e. the penetration of the water.”[4]
“A condition for wiping over the sock is that it covers the obligatory area of washing.”[5]
Imam Abdul Qadir al-Dimashqi says in his commentary:
“It was also said that it is not a condition and it is a chosen position of the Shaykh (Ibn Taymiyyah) who said, ‘It is permitted to wipe over a ripped sock as long as the majority is not apparent,’ Al-Majd said, ‘It is permitted to wipe over a ripped sock that does not prevent continuity of walking.’”[6]
The conclusion is that small holes and tears are overlooked in the Hanafi and Maliki Schools, but holes are not permitted in the Shafi’i and Hanbali Schools.
Answered by Shaykh Bilal Brown
[1] (Maraqi al-Falah, Chapter of Wiping Over Leather Socks).
[2] (Mukhtasar al-Khalil, Section on Wiping Over a Leather Sock).
[3] (Al-Minhaj, Chapter of Wiping Over a Leather Sock).
[4] (Tuhfah al-Muhtaj, Chapter of Wiping Over a Leather Sock).
[5] (Akhsar al-Mukhtasarat, Chapter of Wiping Over a Leather Sock).
[6] (Hashiyah Akhsar al-Mukhtasarat, Chapter of Wiping Over a Leather Sock).