Marifah Answers
Reciting the Quran behind the imam
Q: What is the ruling on reciting the Quran whilst praying behind an imam? Hanafi: Allah Almighty says in the Quran: “When the Quran is recited then listen attentively to it and remain silent” (7:204) "The follower does not recite; rather he listens when the imam is...
Wudu when touching one’s spouse
Q: Does touching one's spouse invalidate wudu? Hanafi: "And from that which does not invalidate wudu is touching a woman due to what is mentioned in the books of hadith from A'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her), 'The Prophet ﷺ would kiss some of his wives then pray...
Passing the miqat without ihram
Q: If someone passes the miqat before wearing ihram how do they rectify this, and is a sacrifice necessary? Hanafi: "It is not permitted for a person who is from outside of the boundaries to cross them unless he is in ihram if he intends to enter Mecca. If he passes...
Making ghusl with plaits or braids
Q: Does a woman with braided hair or plaits have to undo them before performing ghusl? A: It is not a requirement according to the four schools of law[1][2][3]. The following is mentioned in the Hanafi School: "It is not obligatory for a woman to undo her plaits as...
Smoking whilst fasting in Ramadan
Q: I invalidated my fast in Ramadan by smoking a cigarette, do I need to make kaffarah (expiation) or just make up the fast? Summary: There is some debate as to whether kaffarah is required in the Hanafi and Maliki schools but not in the Shafi’i and Hanbali schools,...
Zakah on Trade Stock
Q: Does a year need to pass on my trade stock before I pay zakah on it? If the value of an item decreases after purchasing it for trade, do I still need to pay zakah on it? A: "There is no zakah on items unless they are for trade and the value of them reaches the...
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